Success Stories
“We had no idea that our natural gas was being siphoned off by nearby drillers”
In 2018, we successfully challenged a large drilling operation that was siphoning natural gas from an adjacent property. Morbi et enim viverra, varius ipsum a, tincidunt tortor. Fusce porta euismod magna, eu vehicula tellus feugiat ac. Phasellus accumsan mauris sit amet urna pretium varius.
Example feature. Aenean tristique id nulla.
Example feature. Aenean tristique id nulla.
Example feature. Aenean tristique id nulla.
“The royalties we were offered didn’t come close to what they were actually worth. ”
We have recovered millions of dollars in royalties for our clients by leveraging our knowledge of the industry…. lectus vel lacus aliquam ullamcorper. Vestibulum at hendrerit diam, at accumsan odio. Nullam rutrum purus sed metus aliquet faucibus. Nulla hendrerit metus et tincidunt tristique. Fusce molestie commodo mauris, vitae vestibulum tortor venenatis non.
Example feature. Aenean tristique id nulla.
Example feature. Aenean tristique id nulla.
Example feature. Aenean tristique id nulla.
“They helped us identify the unique aspects of our property and use them to our advantage in negotiations.”
We understand the timing of drilling and mining projects and how that can impact a property’s value. En dictum nulla justo sed velit. Aliquam nisi ante, ultricies quis neque vel, porta feugiat risus. Fusce semper augue diam, ac mollis lorem fringilla eu. Duis venenatis auctor euismod. Suspendisse in viverra nisl. Cras eu nibh nec diam aliquet congue.
Example feature. Aenean tristique id nulla.
Example feature. Aenean tristique id nulla.
Example feature. Aenean tristique id nulla.